Popular Buddha quotes in Hind and english

21+ Buddha Quotes in Hindi and English

Have you been feeling stressed lately? Overwhelmed by life’s challenges and hardships?

You’re not alone.

Even centuries ago, people grappled with suffering and finding meaning. Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, taught about finding enlightenment and peace. His teachings — Buddha quotes in Hindi and English — are still inspiring and helpful today.

We’ve compiled some of the Buddha’s most profound quotes in both English and Hindito inspire you and brighten your day. Read them, reflect on them, and let his timeless wisdom guide you to greater happiness, fulfillment and tranquility. These quotes cover everything from living in the present moment to showing compassion for others to finding purpose.

Keep reading for 21+ Buddha quotes in Hindi and English that will inspire you to live a more meaningful and awakened life. Let the Buddha’s teachings on life, happiness and peace wash over you. His messages of wisdom and enlightenment transcend time.

Introduction to Buddha and His Teachings

Buddha, whose real name was Siddhartha Gautama, was an Indian spiritual leader who founded Buddhism. Around 400 BCE, he attained enlightenment and spent the rest of his life teaching others about it.

Buddha’s Key Teachings

Buddha taught some essential truths or principles that form the foundation of Buddhism:

  1. Life is suffering: Suffering is a fundamental part of life. This includes pain, disease, loss, and death.
  2. The cause of suffering is desire: Our attachment to desires and cravings lead to suffering. Things like wanting money, fame, pleasure, success, and praise can cause anguish when not attained or lost.
  3. The end of desire leads to the end of suffering: By freeing yourself from desire and attachment, you can reach Nirvana – a state of enlightenment and liberation.
  4. The Eightfold Path leads to the end of desire: The Eightfold Path consists of eight practices concerning moral behavior, meditation, and wisdom. By following this path, desire fades away and enlightenment is attained.
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Buddha’s teachings focus on achieving enlightenment through meditation, wisdom, and morality.

His messages of compassion, tolerance, and peace have resonated with billions of people worldwide. By understanding his Four Noble Truths and following the Eightfold Path, one can reach Nirvana – the ultimate spiritual goal in Buddhism.

The wisdom of Buddha’s teachings has inspired endless volumes of scripture in a multitude of languages. His words of insight and encouragement can offer solace in times of struggle and help light the path to a life of meaning and purpose.

Top Buddha Quotes in English on Happiness and Peace

The Buddha taught that true happiness comes from within, not from material goods or life’s fleeting pleasures. Here are some of his most inspiring quotes on finding inner peace and joy:

  1. “Happiness comes when your work and words are of benefit to others.” To be happy, focus on bringing goodness to the people around you through your actions and speech.
  2. “Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” External factors may influence your happiness, but true peace of mind is found inside. Look inward to find your calm center.
  3. “Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.” Appreciate life’s simple blessings, be satisfied with what you have, and nurture your close bonds with others.
  4. “Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” Share your joy with others and spread positive feelings.
  5. “There is no path to happiness: Happiness is the path.” Choose to appreciate each moment as you journey through life. Happiness comes from living in the present, not chasing some future goal.
  6. “To understand everything is to forgive everything.” Let go of anger and resentment. Make peace with yourself and others through empathy and understanding.
  7. “Happiness radiates like the fragrance of a flower, and draws all good things towards you.” Maintain an upbeat and optimistic outlook, and more positive experiences will come your way.
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Popular Buddha Quotes in Hindi on Life and Death

The Buddha taught many lessons on life, death, and finding peace. Here are 10 of his most well-known quotes in Hindi:

“जीवन में दुख है, पर दुख से डरना नहीं चाहिए।”

Meaning: “There is suffering in life, but one should not be afraid of suffering.”

The Buddha taught that suffering is a natural part of life, but we can overcome fear and attachment to worldly things through enlightenment. Accepting suffering allows us to find inner peace.

“अपने मन को शांत रखो। यही आपका महान धर्म है।”

Meaning: “Keep your mind calm. This is your greatest religion.”

A peaceful and disciplined mind is key to enlightenment and overcoming desires, according to Buddha. Calming the mind through meditation and detachment leads to wisdom and clarity.

“जो लोग आपको नीचा दिखाते हैं, वे आपसे डरते हैं।”

Meaning: “Those who make you feel inferior, are afraid of you.”

Do not let the criticism or insults of others diminish your self-worth. Their hurtful actions say more about their own fears and insecurities than your own qualities. Maintain compassion for those who put you down.

“अपने दुश्मन को माफ कर देना सबसे बड़ा बलिदान है।”

Meaning: “Forgiving your enemy is the greatest sacrifice.”

Harboring resentment and anger only poisons you, not the other person. Forgiveness is an act of mercy that allows you both to find peace. Let go of past hurts through the power of compassion.

“जीवन का अर्थ खोजना नहीं, बल्कि उसे बनाना है।”

Meaning: “The purpose of life is not to seek meaning, but to create it.”

We alone are responsible for giving our life meaning, purpose and fulfillment through our choices, actions, and pursuit of enlightenment. Do not wait for meaning

Buddha’s Wise Words on Love and Compassion in Hindi and English

Buddha’s teachings of love and compassion are timeless. Here are some of his wise words on developing kindness towards all beings:

Metta – Loving-Kindness

“Cultivate loving-kindness; release anger and ill will.”

Metta means benevolence, goodwill, and kindness. Buddha taught that we should develop loving-kindness for all beings. Only then can we release negative feelings like anger, hatred and resentment.

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Compassion for All

“As a mother would risk her life to protect her child, her only child, even so should one cultivate a limitless heart with regard to all beings.”

Buddha said we should have compassion for all living beings, just as a mother has for her only child. We should open our hearts to everyone without limits or conditions.

Do No Harm

“All tremble at violence; all fear death. Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill.”

Buddha taught that we should refrain from harming others in any way, just as we do not wish to be harmed ourselves. We should be able to empathize with others and understand their suffering, so we can choose to bring them happiness instead.

Peace and Harmony

“Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.”

Buddha valued peace, harmony and unity. He taught that it is better to say one thing that promotes peace and understanding, rather than many empty words that cause dissent and conflict.


“Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.”

Buddha taught that we should meet hatred with love. Reacting to hatred with more hatred will only lead to conflict and suffering. The only way to end the cycle of hatred is through compassion and forgiveness.

Buddha’s profound teachings remind us to cultivate love and kindness, have empathy for others, do no harm, value peace and forgive instead of resent. His timeless words can guide us to become better human beings.


You’ve likely seen many quotes from the Buddha before, but this collection brings together some of his most inspiring and thought-provoking sayings. As you reflect on these nuggets of wisdom, think about how you can apply them to your own life.

Focus on living in the present moment, showing compassion for all beings, and pursuing peace and enlightenment. The Buddha’s teachings are timeless and a reminder that you have the power to shape your own destiny. So go forward and spread kindness, overcome greed and hatred, and work to achieve your own awakening.

The Buddha points the way – now it’s up to you to follow the path.


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